Marblecore Imaging Library Documentation

Documentation Introduction
Documentation / Marblecore Imaging / Methods / LoadFont

LoadFont method

Loads or unloads a custom TrueType font file and sets all font properties at once.


Boolean LoadFont(strPath As String, strFontFace As String, nFontSize As Number, nFontColor As Number, nFontOpacity As Number, bFontBold As State, bFontItalic As State, bFontUnderline As State, bFontStrikeout As State, bFontAntiAliasing As State, nFontAlignment As Alignment, nFontRotation As Number)

Return value

Returns true if the function succeeded.


strPathStringYesString containing the path to a font file. If a zero length string is supplied no font file will be loaded (if currently a font file is loaded, it is unloaded).
strFontFaceStringNoOptional parameter which specifies the font face. If this value is NULL or an empty string and a custom font is loaded, the font face name is automatically retrieved from the font file.
nFontSizeNumberNoOptional parameter which specifies the font size.
nFontColorNumberNoOptional parameter which specifies the font color.
nFontOpacityNumberNoOptional parameter which specifies the font opacity.
bFontBoldState (Enumeration)NoOptional parameter which enables or disables the bold font style.
bFontItalicState (Enumeration)NoOptional parameter which enables or disables the italic font style.
bFontUnderlineState (Enumeration)NoOptional parameter which enables or disables the underline font style.
bFontStrikeoutState (Enumeration)NoOptional parameter which enables or disables the strikeout font style.
bFontAntiAliasingState (Enumeration)NoOptional parameter which enables or disables the font anti-aliasing.
nFontAlignmentAlignment (Enumeration)NoOptional parameter which specifies the alignment of the text.
nFontRotationNumberNoOptional parameter which specifies the rotation angle of the text in degrees.



See also

ReleaseFont | ResetFont | SetFont