Documentation / Marblecore Imaging / Methods / DrawRhombusGradient
DrawRhombusGradient method
Draws a gradient filled rhombus on the specified position with the specified width and height.
Boolean DrawRhombusGradient(nLeft As Number, nTop As Number, nWidth As Number, nHeight As Number, nColorA As Number, nColorB As Number, nOpacityA As Number, nOpacityB As Number, nGradient As Gradient, bAntiAliasing As Boolean)
Return value
Returns true if the function succeeded.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
nLeft | Number | Yes | Specifies the horizontal coordinate. |
nTop | Number | Yes | Specifies the vertical coordinate. |
nWidth | Number | Yes | Specifies the width. |
nHeight | Number | Yes | Specifies the height. |
nColorA | Number | Yes | Specifies the first color for the gradient. |
nColorB | Number | Yes | Specifies the second color for the gradient. |
nOpacityA | Number | No | Optional parameter containing the opacity percentage (where 0% is completely transparent) for the first color. |
nOpacityB | Number | No | Optional parameter containing the opacity percentage (where 0% is completely transparent) for the second color. |
nGradient | Gradient (Enumeration) | No | Optional parameter containing the gradient style. Can be one of the following values: |
bAntiAliasing | Boolean | No | Optional parameter enabling or disabling anti-aliasing. Enabled by default. |
The example below shows how to use the method. If you take a look at the example code, assume there is a reference to the Marblecore Imaging object with the name 'MarblecoreImaging'. Transparent parts of the image are displayed using a checkerboard pattern.
2 MarblecoreImaging.Create(150, 150, true);
5 MarblecoreImaging.DrawRhombusGradient(25, 25, 100, 100, 16711680, 65280);
8 MarblecoreImaging.SaveToFile("example-drawrhombusgradient.jpg");
See also
DrawArc |
DrawArrow |
DrawBackground |
DrawBezier |
DrawCheckerboard |
DrawCurve |
DrawCurveBorder |
DrawCurveFilled |
DrawCurveGradient |
DrawEllipse |
DrawEllipseBorder |
DrawEllipseFilled |
DrawEllipseGradient |
DrawFloodFill |
DrawLine |
DrawPie |
DrawPieBorder |
DrawPieFilled |
DrawPieGradient |
DrawPixel |
DrawPolygon |
DrawPolygonBorder |
DrawPolygonFilled |
DrawPolygonGradient |
DrawRectangle |
DrawRectangleBorder |
DrawRectangleFilled |
DrawRectangleGradient |
DrawRectangleTransparent |
DrawRhombus |
DrawRhombusBorder |
DrawRhombusFilled |
DrawRoundRectangle |
DrawRoundRectangleBorder |
DrawRoundRectangleFilled |
DrawRoundRectangleGradient |
DrawTriangle |
DrawTriangleBorder |
DrawTriangleFilled |
DrawTriangleGradient |
GetPixelColor |
LineTo |