Marblecore Imaging Library Documentation

Documentation Introduction
Documentation / Marblecore Imaging / Methods / FileResize

FileResize method

Resizes the specified image file.


Boolean FileResize(strFile As String, nWidth As Number, nHeight As Number, bWebFilter As Boolean, strSaveAs As String, nFormat As Format)

Return value

Returns true if the function succeeded.


strFileStringYesString containing the path of the file.
nWidthNumberYesWidth of the image.
nHeightNumberYesHeight of the image.
bWebFilterBooleanNoOptional parameter which enables or disables the internet filter. If this parameter is true only web formats are accepted (GIF, JPEG, PNG).
strSaveAsStringNoOptional string containing the output file.
nFormatFormat (Enumeration)NoOptional parameter which specifies the desired file format.


File operations

See also

FileConvert | FileCrop | FileExpand | FileFlipHorizontal | FileFlipVertical | FileRotate | FileRotateLeft | FileRotateRight | FileShrink | FileThumbnail