Documentation / Marblecore Imaging / Methods / FilterLensFlare
FilterLensFlare method
Applies a lens flare effect to the image.
Boolean FilterLensFlare(nX As Number, nY As Number, nLeft As Number, nTop As Number, nWidth As Number, nHeight As Number)
Return value
Returns true if the function succeeded.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
nX | Number | Yes | Specifies the horizontal position of the lens flare. |
nY | Number | Yes | Specifies the vertical position of the lens flare. |
nLeft | Number | No | Optional parameter which can be used to specify a clipping rectangle. This parameter specifies the left coordinate of the rectangle. |
nTop | Number | No | Optional parameter which can be used to specify a clipping rectangle. This parameter specifies the top coordinate of the rectangle. |
nWidth | Number | No | Optional parameter which can be used to specify a clipping rectangle. This parameter specifies the width of the rectangle. |
nHeight | Number | No | Optional parameter which can be used to specify a clipping rectangle. This parameter specifies the height of the rectangle. |
The example below shows the effect of this method and how to use it. You can slide the marker in the before/after picture to see the difference. If you take a look at the example code, assume there is a reference to the Marblecore Imaging object with the name 'MarblecoreImaging'. Transparent parts of the image are displayed using a checkerboard pattern.
2 MarblecoreImaging.LoadFromFile("example-filterlensflare-before.jpg");
5 MarblecoreImaging.FilterLensFlare(600, 200);
8 MarblecoreImaging.SaveToFile("example-filterlensflare-after.jpg");
Filters, Light
See also
FilterBlinds |
FilterSoftGlow |