Documentation / Marblecore Imaging / Methods / AdjustLightness
AdjustLightness method
Adjusts the hue of the image by a certain amount.
Boolean AdjustLightness(nLightness As Number, nLeft As Number, nTop As Number, nWidth As Number, nHeight As Number)
Return value
Returns true if the function succeeded.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
nLightness | Number | Yes | The amount of lightness adjustment ranging from -100%...100%. |
nLeft | Number | No | Optional parameter which can be used to specify a clipping rectangle. This parameter specifies the left coordinate of the rectangle. |
nTop | Number | No | Optional parameter which can be used to specify a clipping rectangle. This parameter specifies the top coordinate of the rectangle. |
nWidth | Number | No | Optional parameter which can be used to specify a clipping rectangle. This parameter specifies the width of the rectangle. |
nHeight | Number | No | Optional parameter which can be used to specify a clipping rectangle. This parameter specifies the height of the rectangle. |
The example below shows the effect of this method and how to use it. You can slide the marker in the before/after picture to see the difference. If you take a look at the example code, assume there is a reference to the Marblecore Imaging object with the name 'MarblecoreImaging'. Transparent parts of the image are displayed using a checkerboard pattern.
2 MarblecoreImaging.LoadFromFile("example-adjustlightness-before.jpg");
5 MarblecoreImaging.AdjustLightness(25);
8 MarblecoreImaging.SaveToFile("example-adjustlightness-after.jpg");
Color adjustments
See also
AdjustBrightness |
AdjustColorBalance |
AdjustColorLevel |
AdjustContrast |
AdjustGamma |
AdjustHue |
AdjustHueSaturation |
AdjustRGB |