Marblecore Imaging Library Documentation

Documentation Introduction
Documentation / Marblecore Imaging / Enumerations / Channel

Channel enumeration

Specifies the color channel to use.

If you use the ATL COM version of the library, you can supply the string value (the name of the value) or the number value (as listed in the table below) as the enumeration value. If you use the Class Library, the enumeration is available as an enum object with the name MarblecoreImagingChannel which contains all the available values.


RGB7RGB channel
Red1Red channel
Green2Green channel
Blue4Blue channel
Gray16Gray channel
Alpha32Alpha channel

See also

AdjustBrightness | AdjustColorLevel | AdjustContrast | AdjustGamma | Channel | FilterPosterize | FilterSolarize | GetHistogramAverage | GetHistogramCount | GetHistogramPercentile | InsertHistogram | Invert | LoadHistogramFromBase64 | LoadHistogramFromFile | LoadHistogramFromSerializedStream | LoadHistogramFromStream | LoadHistogramFromURL | SaveHistogramToFile | SaveHistogramToImage | SaveHistogramToSerializedStream | SaveHistogramToStream