Name | Type | Description |
Create | Method | Creates a new image with the specified width and height. By default a new 32-bit image will be created which supports alpha transparency. You can disable transparency to create a 24-bit image. When you want to save a 32-bit image to a format which not supports 32-bit images (like JPEG or GIF) the library will automatically convert your image to a 24-bit image. The specified background color will be used for the conversion. |
Deserialize | Method | Deserializes a memory stream to the bitmap. If no image is currently loaded, a new image is created. You have to supply a stream which is created using the Serialize method. If you want to load a normal image from a stream, use the LoadFromStream method instead. |
LoadFromBase64 | Method | Loads an image from a base64 encoded string. To see a list of supported file formats see the Format enumeration. |
LoadFromFile | Method | Loads the specified image file in memory. You need to specify the full path to the image. To see a list of supported file formats see the Format enumeration. |
LoadFromSerializedStream | Method | Loads an image from a serialized memory stream. You have to supply a stream which is created using the Serialize method. |
LoadFromStream | Method | Loads an image from a normal memory stream. To see a list of supported file formats see the Format enumeration. |
LoadFromURL | Method | Loads an image file from the specified URL in memory. To see a list of supported file formats see the Format enumeration. |
Reset | Method | Restores the object to the inital state. |
SaveToBase64 | Method | Saves the current image (in the specified format) and returns the binary image data as a string encoded using the base64 encoding scheme. This method can be used to embed images directly in HTML web pages. |
SaveToFile | Method | Saves the current working image to a file using the specified path. If no path is specified and the LoadFile method is used to load the current image, the image is saved to its original path. |
SaveToHBitmap | Method | Returns a HBITMAP for the current image which can be used to draw the image with high speed to a canvas like a Windows Form. This method is not available in the ATL version of the image component. |
SaveToHBitmapPreMultiplied | Method | Returns a HBITMAP for the current image where the RGB values are pre multiplied. Use this method to draw the image with high speed to a canvas like a Windows Form. This method is not available in the ATL version of the image component. |
SaveToStream | Method | Saves the current image (in the specified format) and returns the stream. The stream data contains all binary information which is normally saved to a physic file when you save the image to a file using the SaveToFile method. You can use the stream to save the image to a file using your own custom function. You can also use the stream to transfer image objects within your application, so you don't have to save the image to (temporary) files. If you just want to transfer image data from one image object to another image object, use the Serialize, Deserialize and LoadFromSerializedStream functions. Those methods give better performance for internal image data transfers. |
Serialize | Method | Serializes the current bitmap to a memory stream. This stream is a binary representation of the image object. You can use this function to transfer images from an image object to another image object. The stream cannot be used to save an image to a file, because the stream does not contain a valid image format like JPEG, PNG or BMP. If you want to do that, use the SaveToStream method instead. |
Name | Type | Description |
CaptchaCreate | Method | Creates a captcha for the specified captcha phrase. The image canvas will be cleared and replaced by the captcha. You can call this function directly without opening or creating an image first. |
CaptchaPhrase | Method | Creates a new captcha phrase with the specified string length. |
Name | Type | Description |
AdjustBrightness | Method | Adjusts the brightness of the image by a certain amount. |
AdjustColorBalance | Method | Adjust the RGB channels of the image. |
AdjustColorLevel | Method | Adjust the color level of the selected channel of the image. |
AdjustContrast | Method | Adjusts the contrast of the image by a certain amount. |
AdjustGamma | Method | Performs gamma correction on the image by a certain amount. |
AdjustHue | Method | Adjusts the hue of the image by a certain amount. |
AdjustHueSaturation | Method | Adjusts the hue and/or saturation of the image by a certain amount. |
AdjustLightness | Method | Adjusts the hue of the image by a certain amount. |
AdjustRGB | Method | Adjust the RGB channels of the image. |
AdjustSaturation | Method | Adjusts the saturation of the image by a certain amount. |
Name | Type | Description |
GetColorFromCMYK | Method | Returns the RGB color identifier based on the CMYK color components. Please be aware that no color profile is used for this conversion. |
GetColorFromHTML | Method | Returns the RGB color identifier for the given HTML color. |
GetColorFromRGB | Method | Returns the RGB color identifier based on the red, green and blue component. |
Name | Type | Description |
AutoColorEnhance | Method | Automatically enhances the colors of the image. |
AutoColorLevel | Method | Automatically adjust the color level of the image. |
AutoContrast | Method | Automatically adjust the contrast of the image. |
Channel | Method | Retrieves a specific channel of the image. |
ColorOverlay | Method | Applies a color overlay on the image. |
ColorTone | Method | Applies a color tone effect to the image. |
Desaturate | Method | Desaturates the image. |
Dither | Method | Converts the image to a 1-bit monochrome image using the Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion algorithm. |
Grayscale | Method | Converts the image to grayscale by removing all color information. |
Invert | Method | Inverts all pixel data in the current image. |
RedEyeCorrection | Method | Removes red eyes from the image. |
Sepia | Method | Applies a sepia effect to the image. |
Tint | Method | Applies a tint effect to the image. |
Name | Type | Description |
DrawArc | Method | Draws an arc on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawArrow | Method | Draws a line with a begin and/or end cap on the image using the specified color, line width, line style and opacity. |
DrawBackground | Method | Draws a background behind a transparent image. |
DrawBezier | Method | Draws a Bézier spline on the specified position on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawCheckerboard | Method | Draws a checkboard background. The checkerboard is drawed on the background of the image. So the source image is layered over the checkerboard background. |
DrawCurve | Method | Draws a filled cardinal spline curve with border on the specified position on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawCurveBorder | Method | Draws a cardinal spline curve border on the specified position on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawCurveFilled | Method | Draws a filled cardinal spline curve on the specified position on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawCurveGradient | Method | Draws a gradient filled cardinal spline curve on the specified position on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawEllipse | Method | Draws a filled ellipse frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawEllipseBorder | Method | Draws an ellipse frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawEllipseFilled | Method | Draws a filled ellipse on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawEllipseGradient | Method | Draws a gradient filled ellipse on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawFloodFill | Method | Fills a region on the current image canvas with a specific color beginning on the specified position. |
DrawLine | Method | Draws a line on the image using the specified color, line width, line style and opacity. |
DrawPie | Method | Draws a filled pie frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawPieBorder | Method | Draws a pie frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawPieFilled | Method | Draws a filled pie on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawPieGradient | Method | Draws a gradient filled pie on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawPixel | Method | Draws a pixel on the specified position on the image using the specified color and opacity and using interpolation. |
DrawPolygon | Method | Draws a filled polygon with border on the specified position on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawPolygonBorder | Method | Draws a polygon border on the specified position on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawPolygonFilled | Method | Draws a filled polygon on the specified position on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawPolygonGradient | Method | Draws a gradient filled polygon on the specified position on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawRectangle | Method | Draws a filled rectangle frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawRectangleBorder | Method | Draws a rectangle frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawRectangleFilled | Method | Draws a filled rectangle on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawRectangleGradient | Method | Draws a gradient filled rectangle on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawRectangleTransparent | Method | Draws a gradient filled rectangle on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawRhombus | Method | Draws a filled rhombus frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawRhombusBorder | Method | Draws a rhombus frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawRhombusFilled | Method | Draws a filled rhombus on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawRhombusGradient | Method | Draws a gradient filled rhombus on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawRoundRectangle | Method | Draws a filled round rectangle frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawRoundRectangleBorder | Method | Draws a round rectangle frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawRoundRectangleFilled | Method | Draws a filled round rectangle on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawRoundRectangleGradient | Method | Draws a gradient filled round rectangle on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawTriangle | Method | Draws a filled triangle frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawTriangleBorder | Method | Draws a triangle frame on the specified position with the specified width and height on the image using the specified color, style and opacity. |
DrawTriangleFilled | Method | Draws a filled triangle on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
DrawTriangleGradient | Method | Draws a gradient filled triangle on the specified position with the specified width and height. |
GetPixelColor | Method | Retrieves the pixel value of the specified pixel. |
LineTo | Method | Draws a line from the current cursor position to the given left and top position. After drawing the line, the current cursor position is updated to the coordinate specified by nLeft and nTop. |
MoveTo | Method | Moves the current cursor position. |
Name | Type | Description |
EffectBorder | Method | Draws a border around the image. The border is always a rectangle around the image. |
EffectButton | Method | Applies a button effect on the image. |
EffectColorOverlay | Method | Applies a color overlay on the image. |
EffectInnerBevel | Method | Applies an inner bevel effect on the image. |
EffectInnerGlow | Method | Creates an inner glow on the image canvas. |
EffectMask | Method | Creates a mask of the image. |
EffectOuterGlow | Method | Creates an outer glow behind the image canvas. |
EffectShadow | Method | Creates a shadow behind the image canvas. |
EffectSoftenBorder | Method | Softens the borders of the image. |
Name | Type | Description |
GetExif | Method | Returns the EXIF value for the specified tag (if available). |
GetExifCameraMakerFromFile | Method | Retrieves the maker of the camera which was used for creating the specified file. |
GetExifCameraModelFromFile | Method | Retrieves the model of the camera which was used for creating the specified file. |
GetExifCompressedBitsPerPixelFromFile | Method | Retrieves the compressed bits per pixel from the specified file. |
GetExifCompressionFromFile | Method | Retrieves the compression of the image. |
GetExifCopyrightFromFile | Method | Retrieves the copyright tag from the specified file. |
GetExifDateTakenFromFile | Method | Retrieves the date and time from the specified file. |
GetExifExposureBiasFromFile | Method | Retrieves the exposure bias value of the specified file. |
GetExifExposureTimeFromFile | Method | Retrieves the exposure time of the specified file. |
GetExifFlashEnergyFromFile | Method | Retrieves the flash energy of the specified file. |
GetExifFlashModeFromFile | Method | Retrieves the flash mode of the specified file. |
GetExifFocalLengthFromFile | Method | Retrieves the focal length of the specified file. |
GetExifFromFile | Method | Returns the EXIF value for the specified tag (if available) from the specified file. |
GetExifFromInfo | Method | Returns the EXIF value for the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
GetExifFStopFromFile | Method | Retrieves the f-stop value of the specified file. |
GetExifHorizontalResolutionFromFile | Method | Retrieves the horizontal resolution from the specified file. |
GetExifISOSpeedFromFile | Method | Retrieves the ISO speed of the specified file. |
GetExifLightSourceFromFile | Method | Retrieves the light source of the specified file. |
GetExifMaxApertureFromFile | Method | Retrieves the max aperture of the specified file. |
GetExifMeteringModeFromFile | Method | Retrieves the metering mode of the specified file. |
GetExifOrientationFromFile | Method | Retrieves the orientation of the specified file. |
GetExifProgramModeFromFile | Method | Retrieves the program mode of the specified file. |
GetExifResolutionUnitFromFile | Method | Retrieves the resolution unit from the specified file. |
GetExifSubjectDistanceFromFile | Method | Retrieves the subject distance of the specified file. |
GetExifVersionFromFile | Method | Retrieves the exif version of the specified file. |
GetExifVerticalResolutionFromFile | Method | Retrieves the vertical resolution from the specified file. |
ExifCameraMaker | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the maker of the camera which was used for creating the image. |
ExifCameraMakerFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the maker of the camera which was used for creating the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifCameraModel | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the model of the camera which was used for creating the image. |
ExifCameraModelFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the model of the camera which was used for creating the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifCompressedBitsPerPixel | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the compressed bits per pixel from the image. |
ExifCompressedBitsPerPixelFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the compressed bits per pixel from the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifCompression | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the compression of the image. |
ExifCompressionFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the compression of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifCopyright | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the copyright tag from the image. |
ExifCopyrightFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the copyright tag from the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifDateTaken | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the date and time from the image. |
ExifDateTakenFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the date and time from the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifExposureBias | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the exposure bias value of the image. |
ExifExposureBiasFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the exposure bias value of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifExposureTime | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the exposure time of the image. |
ExifExposureTimeFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the exposure time of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifFlashEnergy | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the flash energy of the image. |
ExifFlashEnergyFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the flash energy of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifFlashMode | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the flash mode of the image. |
ExifFlashModeFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the flash mode of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifFocalLength | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the focal length of the image. |
ExifFocalLengthFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the focal length of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifFStop | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the f-stop value of the image. |
ExifFStopFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the f-stop value of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifHorizontalResolution | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the horizontal resolution from the image. |
ExifHorizontalResolutionFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the horizontal resolution from the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifISOSpeed | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the ISO speed of the image. |
ExifISOSpeedFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the ISO speed of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifLightSource | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the light source of the image. |
ExifLightSourceFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the light source of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifMaxAperture | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the max aperture of the image. |
ExifMaxApertureFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the max aperture of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifMeteringMode | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the metering mode of the image. |
ExifMeteringModeFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the metering mode of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifOrientation | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the orientation of the image. |
ExifOrientationFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the orientation of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifProgramMode | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the program mode of the image. |
ExifProgramModeFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the program mode of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifResolutionUnit | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the resolution unit from the image. |
ExifResolutionUnitFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the resolution unit from the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifSubjectDistance | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the subject distance of the image. |
ExifSubjectDistanceFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the subject distance of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifVersion | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the exif version of the image. |
ExifVersionFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the exif version of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ExifVerticalResolution | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the vertical resolution from the image. |
ExifVerticalResolutionFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the vertical resolution from the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
Name | Type | Description |
FileConvert | Method | Converts an image file to another format. |
FileCrop | Method | Performs a crop transformation on the specified image file. |
FileExpand | Method | Expands the specified file to the given width and height using the specified image alignment. |
FileFlipHorizontal | Method | Performs a horizontal flip on the specified image file. |
FileFlipVertical | Method | Performs a vertical flip on the specified image file. |
FileResize | Method | Resizes the specified image file. |
FileRotate | Method | Performs a free rotation on the specified image file. |
FileRotateLeft | Method | Performs a 90 degree left rotation on the specified image file. |
FileRotateRight | Method | Performs a 90 degree right rotation on the specified image file. |
FileShrink | Method | Shrinks (crops) the specified file to the given width and height using the specified image alignment. |
FileThumbnail | Method | Resizes the specified image file to fit within the specified width and height while maintaining aspect ratio. |
Name | Type | Description |
GetFileExtensionFromFile | Method | Retrieves the file extension of the specified file path. |
GetFileExtensionFromFormat | Method | Returns the suggested file extension for the specified format. |
GetFileFolderFromFile | Method | Retrieves the folder part of the specified file path. |
GetFileFromFormat | Method | Returns a unique file name for the specified format. |
GetFileNameFromFile | Method | Retrieves the file name without extenstion from the specified file path. |
GetFileWithoutFolderFromFile | Method | Retrieves the filename with extension from the specified file path. |
FileExtension | Property (readonly) | Returns the file extension of the current loaded image. |
FileExtensionFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the file extension of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
FileFolder | Property (readonly) | Returns the path of the folder wherere the current loaded image is located. |
FileFolderFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the folder part of the the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
FileName | Property (readonly) | Returns the file name without extension of the current loaded image. |
FileNameFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the file name without extenstion from the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
FilePath | Property (readonly) | Returns the path of the current loaded image. |
FilePathForWeb | Property (readonly) | Returns the optimized path for the current loaded image. |
FilePathFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns the file path of the analyzed file. This is a copy of the supplied file name in the GetInfoFromFile method. |
FileWithoutFolder | Property (readonly) | Returns the file name with extension of the current loaded image. |
FileWithoutFolderForWeb | Property (readonly) | Returns the file with optimized extenstion for the current loaded image. |
FileWithoutFolderFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the filename with extension from the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
Name | Type | Description |
FilterBlinds | Method | Applies a blinds effect to the image. |
FilterBlurAverage | Method | Applies an average blur effect on the image. |
FilterBlurGaussian | Method | Applies a gaussian blur effect on the image. |
FilterBlurRadial | Method | Applies a radial blur effect on the image. |
FilterBlurSmooth | Method | Applies a smooth blur effect to the image. |
FilterBlurZoom | Method | Applies a zoom blur effect on the image. |
FilterCheckerboard | Method | Draws a checkboard grid on the image. |
FilterCustom | Method | Applies a custom filter using a 5x5 matrix, division scale and offset to the image. |
FilterCustomFromFile | Method | Applies a custom filter file (.acf) to the image. |
FilterCustomFromURL | Method | Applies a custom filter file (.acf) at the specified URL to the image. |
FilterCylinder | Method | Applies a cylinder distortion effect to the image. |
FilterDespeckle | Method | Applies a despeckle filter to the image. |
FilterEdgeDetect | Method | Applies an edge detection effect on the image. |
FilterEmboss | Method | Applies an emboss effect to the image. |
FilterFractalTrace | Method | Applies a fractal trace distortion effect to the image. |
FilterHalftone | Method | Applies halftone effect (Limb Pattern M3 algorithm) to the image. |
FilterIllusion | Method | Applies an illusion distortion effect to the image. |
FilterLens | Method | Applies a lens distortion effect to the image. |
FilterLensFlare | Method | Applies a lens flare effect to the image. |
FilterMeanRemoval | Method | Applies a mean removal (more extreme sharpen) effect on the image. |
FilterMedian | Method | Applies a median filter to the image. |
FilterNoise | Method | Adds noise to the image. |
FilterOffset | Method | Applies an offset effect to the image. |
FilterOilPaint | Method | Applies an oil paint effect to the image. |
FilterPinch | Method | Applies a pinch distortion effect to the image. |
FilterPixelate | Method | Applies a pixel effect to the image. |
FilterPosterize | Method | Posterize the image. |
FilterRipple | Method | Applies a ripple distortion effect to the image. |
FilterSharpen | Method | Applies a sharpen effect to the image. |
FilterSharpenEdges | Method | Applies a sharpen edges effect to the image. |
FilterSharpenMore | Method | Applies a sharpen more effect to the image. |
FilterShift | Method | Applies a shift distortion effect to the image. |
FilterSoftGlow | Method | Applies a soft glow effect to the image. |
FilterSolarize | Method | Solarize the image. |
FilterSplash | Method | Adds splash effect to the image. |
FilterStripe | Method | Applies a stripe distortion effect to the image. |
FilterTextureFromBase64 | Method | Applies a texture using the specified texture image. |
FilterTextureFromFile | Method | Applies a texture using the specified texture image. |
FilterTextureFromSerializedStream | Method | Applies a texture using the specified texture image which needs to be supplied as a serialized stream. You have to supply a stream which is created using the Serialize method. |
FilterTextureFromStream | Method | Applies a texture using the specified texture image which need to be supplied as a file stream. |
FilterTextureFromURL | Method | Applies a texture using the specified texture image. |
FilterThreshold | Method | Applies a threshold effect to the image. |
FilterTileReflect | Method | Applies a tile reflect effect to the image. |
FilterUnsharpMask | Method | Applies a sharpen (unsharp mask) effect on the image. |
FilterVideo | Method | Applies a video effect to the image. |
FilterWave | Method | Applies a wave distortion effect to the image. |
FilterWhirl | Method | Applies a whirl distortion effect to the image. |
FilterWhirlPinch | Method | Applies a whirl and pinch distortion effect to the image. |
Name | Type | Description |
LoadFont | Method | Loads or unloads a custom TrueType font file and sets all font properties at once. |
ReleaseFont | Method | Releases a custom loaded font file. |
ResetFont | Method | Resets all font properties to the default values. |
SetFont | Method | Sets all font properties within one function call. |
FontAlignment | Property | Retrieves the current font alignment. |
FontAntiAliasing | Property | Retrieves the current font anti-aliasing state. |
FontBold | Property | Retrieves the current font bold state. |
FontColor | Property | Retrieves the current font color. |
FontFace | Property | Retrieves the current font face. |
FontItalic | Property | Retrieves the current font italic state. |
FontOpacity | Property | Retrieves the current font opacity. |
FontRotation | Property | Retrieves the current font rotation in degrees. |
FontSize | Property | Retrieves the current font size. |
FontStrikeout | Property | Retrieves the current font srikeout state. |
FontUnderline | Property | Retrieves the current font underline state. |
Name | Type | Description |
GetHistogramAverage | Method | Retrieves the average color value for the specified channel of the histogram range. |
GetHistogramCount | Method | Retrieves the number of pixels for the specified color channel in the specified histogram range. |
GetHistogramMean | Method | Retrieves the mean (average of left and right boundary of range) of the histogram range. |
GetHistogramPercentile | Method | Retrieves the percentage of colors in the specified channel from the total number of pixels of the histogram range. |
GetHistogramPixels | Method | Retrieves the number of pixels in the specified histogram range. |
InsertHistogram | Method | Inserts the histogram graph of the image on the specified position in the image. |
LoadHistogramFromBase64 | Method | Loads the histogram graph from the specified Base64 string. |
LoadHistogramFromFile | Method | Loads the histogram graph of the specified image file. |
LoadHistogramFromSerializedStream | Method | Loads the histogram graph of the specified serialized bitmap. |
LoadHistogramFromStream | Method | Loads the histogram graph of the specified image stream. |
LoadHistogramFromURL | Method | Loads the histogram graph of the specified URL. |
SaveHistogramToFile | Method | Saves the histogram of the loaded image to the specified file. |
SaveHistogramToImage | Method | Retrieves the histogram graph of the image and replaces the image with the histogram image. |
SaveHistogramToSerializedStream | Method | Saves the histogram of the loaded image to a serialized memory stream. This stream is a binary representation of the histogram image object. You can use this function to transfer histogram images from an image object to another image object. The stream cannot be used to save an image to a file, because the stream does not contain a valid image format like JPEG, PNG or BMP. If you want to do that, use the SaveHistogramToStream method instead. |
SaveHistogramToStream | Method | Saves the histogram of the loaded image to a stream. The stream data contains all binary information which is normally saved to a physic file when you save the histogram image to a file using the SaveHistogramToFile method. You can use the stream to save the image to a file using your own custom function. You can also use the stream to transfer image objects within your application, so you don't have to save the image to (temporary) files. If you just want to transfer histogram image data from one image object to another image object, use the SaveHistogramToSerializedStream method. This gives better performance for internal image data transfers. |
Name | Type | Description |
InsertFromBase64 | Method | Inserts a image from a Base64 encoded string into the current loaded image at the specified position. |
InsertFromFile | Method | Inserts an image file into the current loaded image at the specified position. |
InsertFromSerializedStream | Method | Inserts a image from a serialized stream into the current loaded image at the specified position. You have to supply a stream which is created using the Serialize method. |
InsertFromStream | Method | Inserts a image from a stream into the current loaded image at the specified position. |
InsertFromURL | Method | Inserts the image at the specified URL into the current loaded image at the specified position. |
Name | Type | Description |
LicenseVerify | Method | Verifies the specified license. |
LicenseCode | Property (readonly) | Returns the license code. |
LicenseDateCreated | Property (readonly) | Returns the license create date as an integer which represents the seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970, UTC. |
LicenseDateExpired | Property (readonly) | Returns the license expiry date as an integer which represents the seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970, UTC. |
LicenseDateRenewed | Property (readonly) | Returns the license renewal date as an integer which represents the seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970, UTC. |
LicenseExpired | Property (readonly) | Returns if the license is expired. |
LicenseName | Property (readonly) | Returns the license name. |
LicenseProduct | Property (readonly) | Returns the product name. |
LicenseProductKey | Property (readonly) | Returns the product key. |
LicenseProductVersion | Property (readonly) | Returns the current product version. |
LicensePublisher | Property (readonly) | Returns the name of the license publisher. |
LicenseReference | Property (readonly) | Returns the license reference. |
LicenseValid | Property (readonly) | Returns if the license is valid. |
Name | Type | Description |
LosslessCrop | Method | Performs a lossless crop on the specified JPEG file. To perform this lossless operation the width and height of the cropped rectangle must be adjusted so that the image dimensions are a multiple of the iMCU size (usually 8 or 16 pixels). Therefore the output width or height can be slightly greater than the requested image size. |
LosslessFlipHorizontal | Method | Performs a lossless horizontal flip along the vertical axis on the specified JPEG file. |
LosslessFlipVertical | Method | Performs a lossless vertical flip along the horizontal axis on the specified JPEG file. |
LosslessRotate | Method | Performs a lossless 180 degree rotation on the specified JPEG file. |
LosslessRotateLeft | Method | Performs a lossless 90 degree counter clockwise rotation on the specified JPEG file. |
LosslessRotateRight | Method | Performs a lossless 90 degree clockwise rotation on the specified JPEG file. |
Name | Type | Description |
Mask | Method | Creates a mask of the image. |
MaskOverlayFromBase64 | Method | Mask the alpha channel of the specified Base64 string over the image. The mask image needs to be a 32 bits image. |
MaskOverlayFromFile | Method | Mask the alpha channel of the specified file over the image. The mask image needs to be a 32 bits image. |
MaskOverlayFromSerializedStream | Method | Mask the alpha channel of the specified serialized stream over the image. The mask image needs to be a 32 bits image. You have to supply a stream which is created using the Serialize method. |
MaskOverlayFromStream | Method | Mask the alpha channel of the specified stream over the image. The mask image needs to be a 32 bits image. |
MaskOverlayFromURL | Method | Mask the alpha channel of the specified URL over the image. The mask image needs to be a 32 bits image. |
Name | Type | Description |
SetPen | Method | Sets all pen properties within one function call. |
PenAntiAliasing | Property | Retrieves the current pen anti-aliasing state. |
PenCap | Property | Retrieves the current pen dash cap. |
PenColor | Property | Retrieves the current pen color. |
PenOpacity | Property | Retrieves the current pen opacity. |
PenStyle | Property | Retrieves the current pen style. |
PenWidth | Property | Retrieves the current pen width. |
Name | Type | Description |
GetBase64String | Method | Returns a copy of the current bitmap as a Base64 encoded string. |
GetBitsPerPixelFromFile | Method | Returns the number of bits per pixel of the specified file. |
GetFormatAsStringFromFile | Method | Returns the suggested output format of the specified file as a string. |
GetFormatFromFile | Method | Returns the suggested output format of the specified file. |
GetFormatFromString | Method | Returns the Format for the specified format identifier. |
GetFramesFromFile | Method | Returns the number of frames (or pages) of the specified file. |
GetGUID | Method | Returns an unique GUID identifier on each call which can be used for generating unique filenames. |
GetHasMultipleFramesFromFile | Method | Returns if the specified file has multiple image frames (or pages). |
GetHeightFromFile | Method | Returns the height of the specified file. |
GetInfoFromFile | Method | Retrieves image information from the specified file and fills the following properties: FormatFromInfo, FormatAsStringFromInfo, WidthFromInfo, HeightFromInfo, MegaPixelsFromInfo, BitsPerPixelFromInfo, FramesFromInfo, IsSupportedFromInfo, IsCMYKFromInfo, IsAnimatedFromInfo, HasMultipleFramesFromInfo, MIMEFromInfo, GetExifFromInfo, ExifDateTakenFromInfo, ExifCopyrightFromInfo, ExifHorizontalResolutionFromInfo, ExifVerticalResolutionFromInfo, ExifCompressionFromInfo, ExifResolutionUnitFromInfo, ExifCompressedBitsPerPixelFromInfo, ExifOrientationFromInfo, ExifCameraMakerFromInfo, ExifCameraModelFromInfo, ExifFStopFromInfo, ExifExposureTimeFromInfo, ExifExposureBiasFromInfo, ExifISOSpeedFromInfo, ExifFocalLengthFromInfo, ExifMaxApertureFromInfo, ExifMeteringModeFromInfo, ExifSubjectDistanceFromInfo, ExifFlashModeFromInfo, ExifFlashEnergyFromInfo, ExifLightSourceFromInfo, ExifProgramModeFromInfo, ExifVersionFromInfo, FilePathFromInfo, FileFolderFromInfo, FileNameFromInfo, FileExtensionFromInfo and FileWithoutFolderFromInfo. |
GetInfoFromURL | Method | Retrieves image information from the specified URL. |
GetIsAnimatedFromFile | Method | Returns if the specified file is an animated image. |
GetIsCMYKFromFile | Method | Returns if the specified file is a CMYK image. |
GetIsSupportedFromFile | Method | Returns if the format of the specified file supports writing. |
GetMegaPixelsFromFile | Method | Retrieves the number of megapixels of the specified file. |
GetMIMEFromFile | Method | Returns the MIME string for the specified file. |
GetMIMEFromFormat | Method | Returns the MIME string for the specified format. |
GetWidthFromFile | Method | Returns the width of the specified file. |
SetBackgroundColor | Method | Sets the current background color. |
SetFormat | Method | Sets the output image format for the current image. |
SetFormatDefault | Method | Sets the default output image format for incompatible images. |
SetPixel | Method | Sets the pixel on the specified position on the image to the specified color and opacity. |
SetTransparency | Method | Enables or disables transparency for the image and sets the transparency- or backgroundcolor. |
BackgroundColor | Property (readonly) | Returns the current background color. |
BackgroundOpacity | Property (readonly) | Returns the current background opacity. |
BitsPerPixel | Property (readonly) | Returns the number of bits per pixel of the current image. |
BitsPerPixelFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns the number of bits per pixel of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
ColorCount | Property (readonly) | Returns the number of colors used in the current image. |
CursorX | Property | Retrieves the current horizontal cursor position. |
CursorY | Property | Retrieves the current vertical cursor position. |
Format | Property (readonly) | Returns the suggested output image format of the current image. |
FormatAsString | Property (readonly) | Returns the suggested output format of the current image as a string. |
FormatAsStringFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns the suggested output format of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile as a string. |
FormatDefault | Property (readonly) | Returns the default output image format for incompatible images. |
FormatFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns the suggested output format for the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
FormatOriginal | Property (readonly) | Returns the format of the original image. |
FormatOriginalAsString | Property (readonly) | Returns the original format of the current image as a string. |
Frame | Property (readonly) | Returns the current loaded frame (or page). |
Frames | Property (readonly) | Returns the number of frames (or pages) in the current image. |
FramesFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns the number of frames (or pages) for the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
HasMultipleFrames | Property (readonly) | Returns if the current image has multiple image frames (or pages). |
HasMultipleFramesFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns if the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile has multiple image frames (or pages). |
Height | Property (readonly) | Returns the height of the current image. |
HeightFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns the height of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
IsAnimated | Property (readonly) | Returns if the current image is animated. |
IsAnimatedFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns if the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile is an animated image. |
IsCMYK | Property (readonly) | Returns if the current image is a CMYK image. |
IsCMYKFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns if the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile is a CMYK image. |
IsConverted | Property (readonly) | Returns if the current image format is different then the original image format. |
IsJPEG | Property (readonly) | Returns if the current image is a JPEG image. |
IsLoaded | Property (readonly) | Returns if an image is loaded. |
IsSupported | Property (readonly) | Returns if the current image format can be saved without format conversion. |
IsSupportedFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns if the format of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile supports writing. |
IsSupportedOriginal | Property (readonly) | Returns if the original image format can be saved without format conversion. |
IsTransparent | Property (readonly) | Returns if the current image has a transparent background. |
JPEGProgressive | Property | Retrieves if JPEG progressive encoding is enabled. |
JPEGQuality | Property | Retrieves the JPEG quality percentage. |
MegaPixels | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the number of megapixels of the image. |
MegaPixelsFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Retrieves the number of megapixels of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
MIME | Property (readonly) | Returns the MIME string for the current image. |
MIMEFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns the MIME string for the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
PixelCount | Property (readonly) | Returns the total number of pixels in the current image. |
Transparency | Property (readonly) | Returns the transparent background color if any. |
WebFilter | Property | Retrieves the state of the web filter. |
Width | Property (readonly) | Returns the width of the current image. |
WidthFromInfo | Property (readonly) | Returns the width of the file analyzed with GetInfoFromFile. |
Name | Type | Description |
DrawTextInGradient | Method | Draws text on the current image canvas and fills the text with a gradient color. |
DrawTextInGradientUsingWarp | Method | Draws text with warp effect on the current image canvas and fills the text with a gradient color. |
DrawTextInGradientWithBorder | Method | Draws text with border on the current image canvas and fills the text with a gradient color. |
DrawTextInGradientWithBorderAndShadow | Method | Draws text with border and shadow on the current image canvas and fills the text with a gradient color. |
DrawTextInGradientWithBorderAndShadowUsingWarp | Method | Draws text with border, shadow and warp effect on the current image canvas and fills the text with a gradient color. |
DrawTextInGradientWithBorderUsingWarp | Method | Draws text with border and warp effect on the current image canvas and fills the text with a gradient color. |
DrawTextInGradientWithShadow | Method | Draws text with shadow on the current image canvas and fills the text with a gradient color. |
DrawTextInGradientWithShadowUsingWarp | Method | Draws text with shadow and warp effect on the current image canvas and fills the text with a gradient color. |
DrawTextNormal | Method | Draws text on the current image canvas. |
DrawTextUsingWarp | Method | Draws text with warp effect on the current image canvas. |
DrawTextWithBorder | Method | Draws bordered text on the current image canvas. |
DrawTextWithBorderUsingWarp | Method | Draws bordered text with warp effect on the current image canvas. |
DrawTextWithShadow | Method | Draws text with shadow on the current image canvas. |
DrawTextWithShadowUsingWarp | Method | Draws text with shadow and warp effect on the current image canvas. |
GetTextHeight | Method | Measures the height of the supplied text string. |
GetTextWidth | Method | Measures the width of the supplied text string. |
Name | Type | Description |
Clear | Method | Clears the contents of the image. |
Crop | Method | Performs a crop on the current image. |
Expand | Method | Expands the image to the given width and height using the specified image alignment. |
FlipHorizontal | Method | Flip the image horizontally along the vertical axis. |
FlipVertical | Method | Flip the image vertically along the horizontal axis. |
Opacity | Method | Adjusts the opacity of the image. |
Resize | Method | Resizes the image. |
Rotate | Method | Rotates the image with the specified number of degrees with high precision and quality (rotate by shear). |
RotateLeft | Method | Performs a 90 degree counter clockwise rotation on the image. |
RotateRight | Method | Performs a 90 degree clockwise rotation on the image. |
RoundEdges | Method | Rounds the edges of the image or specified rectangle. |
Shear | Method | Performs a shear transformation on the current image. |
Shrink | Method | Shrinks (crops) the image to the given width and height using the specified image alignment. |
Skew | Method | Performs a skew transformation on the current image. |
Straighten | Method | Straightens the image with the specified number of degrees (with a maximum of 45 degrees) with high precision and quality to align the horizon of an image. Use this method for horizon correction. |
Thumbnail | Method | Creates a thumbnail of the image with an optional thumbnail effect. |
Enumeration | Description |
Alignment | Specifies the different horizontal alignment options mostly used for text alignment. |
Anchor | Specifies the anchor position which will be used for the transformation. |
Cap | Specifies the caps for ending lines which are drawed. |
Channel | Specifies the color channel to use. |
ColorType | Specifies the color type to use for the effect. |
Dash | Specifies the dash style to use when drawing dotted lines. |
Fill | Specifies the filling technique to use. |
Format | Specifies the imaging format to use. Some formats are only available if the web filter is disabled. This filter prevents the library from loading images which are not suitable for web purposes. Some formats are only available for reading and cannot be used to save files in that particular format. |
Gradient | Specifies the gradient direction to use for drawing. |
Mask | Specifies the mask mode. |
Offset | Specifies options for the offset filter effect. |
Orientation | Specifies the orientation of the drawing cursor. |
Pen | Specifies the pen style to use then drawing lines. |
Resample | Specifies the resample alogorithm which should be used when the image is resized. For more information take a look at: |
Resize | Specifies the resize method to use when resizing the image. This option enables or disables maintaining the aspect ratio. |
Rotation | Specifies the rotation method which is used. When an image is rotated the resulting image will be slightly (depending on the rotating angle) bigger than the original. The values below specify how the engine should handle this image growth. |
State | Represents a boolean value (true or false) or uses the default value (default). |
Thumbnail | Specifies the thumbnail effect to use. There are built-in effects which can be applied when a thumbnail is created. These effects can be usefull to create elegant and sophisticated thumbnail views of images. |
Tone | Specifies the color tones to use. |
Video | Specifies options for the video filter. |